Where Have We Been?

Where Have We Been?


Our reclusive ways are on purpose. 



Being relatively low-key people and trying to run/promote a company is a total oxymoron I KNOW! For us, we have always felt it be more important and more sincere to share the things that we genuinely love and are inspired by vs. shamelessly promoting just ourselves. In a society that focuses heavily on social media and perceived relevance in a game of numbers, we have always felt viscerally that if you have nothing to really say…. then perhaps your platform is unwarranted. This is not to say that people can’t change and find a sense of true passion but, it is to say that very rarely do we see that attitude exemplified on social media. This is why it has always been our focus to share interesting and thought-provoking content over strictly promoting our products and our brand in general.  
We are in a day and age where the promotion of one’s self and one’s brand is the primary use of social media making it easy for genuine feelings and soul to get completely lost. So much of what we are seeing is the regurgitation of the same look, the same "creative" concept, and the same business plan over and over. Which causes people to truly believe that there is only one way to promote a brand. In reality, falling into the expected may give you short term results, but when building a business centered around longevity and sustainability, rarely do those types of companies follow the status quo.... they create it. 


 The road less traveled is the hardest, but the most rewarding. 


When Kuvit Beauty was established we had huge goals in mind and although the path ahead would be undoubtedly challenging, at the core was the ethos of the brand and our tenacity to succeed. In the last year we have pulled back a bit from social media but in no way have we slowed down. After putting in several years of hard work and looking back retrospectively we had done far more in such a short amount of time than we could have ever expected! From interviews with Vogue India - thousands of eyeshadow orders and subscription box “experiences”, we are grateful for the opportunities, happy to be on the other side of serious growing pains (and able to laugh at mistakes), but mostly we are PROUD of ourselves for taking risks and diving deep, headfirst, into uncharted waters! 



Kuvit has always been more than makeup and beauty, it is about creating a multifaceted platform that represents all of our crazy interests. While at the same time pushing individuality in a time where everyone seems to want to be a carbon copy of each other. Building a company centered around genuine feelings, emotions, and uniqueness takes time, so don’t ever count us out because if we are not active on social media, chances are we are cooking up something new!

 What's new on the Kuvit Beauty horizon? 


In just this past year alone we have started a whole other business, worked with Ipsy through "Ipsy Offers" and had an extremely successful campaign  in June 2019, conceptualized and created a new line of products for Kuvit Beauty, started recording for our very 1st podcast series, and are endlessly working behind the scenes to create additional original content for you all to enjoy. As we grow we hope that you grow with us! We are excited to share these new experiences with all of you and can’t wait to look back years down the line to see just how far we have come yet again. Thank you for sticking with us, for standing by us, for supporting our brand and our content! 
Love Always, 
- The Other Williams Sisters