Free Black Therapy X Kuvit Beauty Collaboration

Free Black Therapy X Kuvit Beauty Collaboration


    Taylor and I are so excited to announce and discuss our Tumblr collaboration with the non-profit, Free Black Therapy. Our goal for Kuvit Beauty has always been greater than just cosmetics. We are currently in the process of expanding our brand to not only have great products but to educate and give back. There are so many fresh things on the horizon thank you so much for your love and support!

What is Free Black Therapy?

    Free Black Therapy is a non-profit with the goal of making access to mental health care available for African Americans who need it and want it. Taking care of your mental health is incredibly important for your overall health but it is often looked over. The long and painful history of racial history in America makes existing here as a Black person incredibly difficult. Through the daily trauma of police violence and inequality and generational trauma through history Black people have to internalize a lot of unhealthy things in order to survive here. Many of these things are best dealt with through therapy, but unfortunately due to the inequalities that exist in the system we have the least access and opportunity to take control of our mental health. The lack of medical insurance, time, education and representation in the psychological field act as massive obstacles on the journey of healing. This is exactly why the existence of Free Black Therapy is so important.



(Image from their Website)


    The goal of this organization is to try and provide access to healing for the Black Community. Especially after the incredibly volatile year we have all experienced with the Black Lives Matter protests during the summer combined with Covid. Having access to a space to work out both your personal traumas, societal traumas, and generational trauma with no direct cost to you is such a wonderful gift. Please visit their website for more information and if you want to donate to the cause, the information will be down below!



       Being religious therapy goers ourselves this collaboration could not be more perfect. Since May is Mental Health Awareness Month, we were asked by the CEO and founder of Free Black Therapy, Fox Jay, to lend our personal and creative experience to create content for their Tumblr takeover. Through Tumblr's Post if Forward program they opened up their platform to raise awareness on specific issues. We are so grateful to Fox Jay and Free Black Therapy for thinking about us to share this opportunity. 



      As I stated before, this is a step towards the new vision we see for what Kuvit Beauty can be. We want to be a resource of both information, self-love, and conversation. If you are curious about what we have been working on individually check out our Podcasts on the Stereo App. Links for everything will be provided down below.

     On our homepage there will be a direct link to the Free Black Therapy Donation page. Also with any purchase there will be a box at check out for you to donate two dollars directly to their cause. If you are unable to contribute monetarily please spread the word, this is truly a wonderful cause!




Tumblr Post it Forward

Free Black Therapy Website

Free Black Therapy Instagram

Kuvit Beauty Instagram 

Madison's Stereo Link

Taylor's Stereo Link